Alan Kippax Achievement History

1997 was my first introduction to Network (or Multi-Level) Marketing with ACN (which is now a large and successful organization). Over the years I signed up with a few (Mary Kay, Melaleuca) but always hated asking people if they “wanted to make extra money” or “join my team” or any of the lines that a company might teach. I learned early on what the definition of a pyramid scheme was; no actual product, no corporate headquarters. I had what most people would consider a great job, so I actually put MLM's on the back burner and concentrated on “my career”. In early 2007 I was introduced to a company that was in the financial planning business (Primerica). I was so excited to be able to help people with their financial goals that I went to their convention in Atlanta. I was so pumped that I quit my job to dedicate my time to the financial services business, before I even knew if I could do it. I failed miserably. I got my job back but in a different depa...