Alan Kippax Achievement History
1997 was my first
introduction to Network (or Multi-Level) Marketing with ACN (which is now a
large and successful organization). Over the years I signed up with a few (Mary
Kay, Melaleuca) but always hated asking people if they “wanted to make extra
money” or “join my team” or any of the lines that a company might teach. I
learned early on what the definition of a pyramid scheme was; no actual
product, no corporate headquarters.
I had what most
people would consider a great job, so I actually put MLM's on the back burner
and concentrated on “my career”. In early 2007 I was introduced to a company
that was in the financial planning business (Primerica). I was so excited to be
able to help people with their financial goals that I went to their convention in
Atlanta. I was so pumped that I quit my job to dedicate my time to the
financial services business, before I even knew if I could do it. I failed
I got my job back but in a different department – and
it was only casual.
In November 2007
after having given up on becoming my own boss I was invited to yet another
business presentation in the back room of a Chinese food restaurant in
Winnipeg's downtown area. I thought “what the heck” and I went. They had some
great products and a payment structure like I had never seen before. I “got it”
but at the time I didn't the funds and was not willing to “beg, borrow...” to
get it so I pretty much forgot about the whole thing.
In September 2008
the same friend told me the corporate team (including the founder) from the
company she had introduced me to the previous November, was going to be in town
because the business was “exploding” in Winnipeg. Again, being frustrated with
my current job, I thought “what the heck” and went to the presentation.
This time it was
as the Westin Hotel and the room was packed. I sat about midway to the “stage”
area – on the isle. I watched the same presentation I had watched 10 months
earlier, but the corporate team made the product introduction easier to
understand. The founder was very dynamic and made the payment structure
presentation not only informative but interesting... and entertaining.
I was excited
about what I had heard, and decided I wanted to be a part of it, but this time
I was curious to get to know this very charismatic man better before I joined
the business so I hung around until well after the rest of the people left
(even the who person who had invited me) so I could chat with this man. He was
very gracious and invited me for a bite to eat with the whole team I listen to
them talk not only about themselves but about the business, critiquing each
other on their presentations. I literally felt like a fly on the wall but they
seemed to have nothing to hide which I was totally impressed with. After the meal, because it was quite late the
founder whose name I came to know as Alan
Kippax walked me to my car. It was a fair distance away so I drove him back to
the hotel and told Alan Kippax I was
The corporate team
was in town for another couple of days giving training on how to run your
business and I attended all of them.
Over the next few months I got to know the man who had given the
presentation when I originally went to the Chinese restaurant and also met the
group of people that were working on having a Mentoring Centre set up in
Winnipeg. I began helping with the MC
set up and learned the presentations so well that when the corporate trainer
came back to Winnipeg I was her assistant for the training.
Skip forward to
April 2009; After a huge gala for the company's 2nd anniversary the
corporate team went on a cross country tour which I followed them on -
literally, a few other distributors and I followed the corporate bus. Red Deer
was really expanding so we spent a couple nights there. I met so many wonderful
people on that tour. The Calgary Mentoring Center was lead by a family who were
also on the presentation slides as a testimonial to how great the product was.
When we got to
Kelowna BC I met a retired police officer and his wife who very throughly
investigated the company before joining. In Vancouver I met an actor (that I
still stay in touch with) who loved the business. On the second day in
Vancouver, the corporate trainer asked me to go to Mississauga to help her with
the presentations there. I told Alan kippax, she had
made that request and he agreed that I should go. I didn't have a place to stay
so Alan Kippax offered an apartment he rented that was quite close to the
company headquarters so it was easy for me to get there.
The building was
being renovated so during the day I helped out as much as my limited skills
allowed (mostly cleaning blinds etc.).
We made sure that we had a room ready for the presentations and two
nights per week we gave them. We had
several people come become distributors. When Alan and the corporate team got back to Mississauga from the tour Alan Kippax
was so impressed with my work that he offered me a position in the office.
I got to know Alan kippax in a bit
better on my first visit to his house (which he called the cottage). It was a
beautiful log cabin structure and the garage was big enough to house the
company bus. Even though my visits were always in a group setting (for a
barbecue - which was always included) Alan Kippax never stopped
trying to come up with ideas to make the business better and to help the distributors
make more money. Most of our visits was him brainstorming ideas - sometimes on
napkins and me trying to keep up with him with writing them down.
When Alan Kippax was introducing a new product
to the distributors he went on another tour which this time, I joined the team
on the bus. It couldn't carry the entire
team and all of the merchandise so Alan Kippax rented a
Uhaul to tow along. I got all the way to Winnipeg then was asked to go back to
Toronto because a few other towns (namely Tillsonburg) wanted presentations to
be held, as the business was expanding across the country. I moved to London Ontario in July 2009 and
gave the presentations in Tillsonburg and Mississauga until October.
I moved away from
the GTA in November 2009 but continued to answer on-line enquiries for the
company. Sales began to drop and on March 22, 2010 BiM ceased to do business. I
went back in the spring of 2010 to help wrap things up with the company. Again
I stayed at Alan's rented apartment.
During my stay Alan Kippax
was arrested for something unrelated to the business. I had so much faith in
his ability to beat the bogus charge I even signed as surety for his bail,
which means I was responsible to ensure he stayed in the area. Because the
charge was driving related he could not drive so I became a chauffeur. Know more
about Alan Kippax tips .
The trial was held
in April of 2010 and unfortunately he was found guilty and sentenced to jail.
Over the next several years we wrote a few letters to one another. When he got
out jail he had to return to the UK, which is where he was born. Because his
mind never quits he very quickly started working on HRI - which I am looking
forward to being a part of.
To those people
who are upset about not making any money with BiM and calling it a scam I want
you to know that I never made a penny as a distributor because I was too busy
helping others makes money. It didn't matter to me because others were becoming
very successful and I (finally) loved what I was doing. If you didn't make money in BiM it's because
you didn't run it like a business and you have no one to blame but yourself.
Alan Kippax with Family
What Say People about Alan Kippax?
Review about Alan Kippax at Sitejabber, Trustpilot, Mouthshut & Glassdoor :
- Alan Kippax at Sitejabber
- Alan Kippax at Trustpilot
- Alan Kippax at Mouthshut
- Alan Kippax at Glassdoor
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