Review Written by Theresa Claeys about Alan Kippax

My name is Theresa Claeys, my husband and I currently farm in a small town in Manitoba, Canada. Previous to farming I was employed at Revenue Canada for ten years, been a Bailiff for three years and my corporation licensed American Network Marketing Companies to carry on business in Canada.  I also have been a corporate trainer for the last 26 years. With such a diverse background, I would always investigate every new opportunity out there with a fine-tooth and comb.

 I became involved with BIM (business in motion) in April of 2008 and meet with Alan Neil Kippax. I was impressed. But it wasn’t that easy…let me explain.

 I saw part of the presentation on a Thursday night, and the second half of the presentation on a Sunday night. I was confused. So, after I got back home, I tried to explain the program to my husband and he was curious. So, the following Monday we saw the presentation, all of the presentation. Alan Kippax looked at me and asked me when I was getting in. I was in shock. My husband does not make decisions that quickly. He needed to get the cattle trailer home and I said I would meet him later. I did call him later, only to let him know I was following the team to Regina. I needed to ask more questions, thousands more. After that, I decided to follow the team to Calgary. So I hopped in my car and followed them. I have a son in Calgary, who is a young entrepreneur and I figured if Billy gets it I’m in. Well, Billy got it in five minutes and I was still asking questions. I tried to get hold of my husband and could not, so I left my car with Billy and hopped a plane and flew to Vancouver. Well by this time I had viewed 22 presentations. Ok, time to get serious, this is for real. I captured three gold keys and gave my son one just to get him moving and never looked back since. Ok, now I know you are thinking are you crazy. Not really, but because of my background I needed to know for sure if this company was for real. Well, they are. This is the best decision I have ever made for Network Marketing. This will be the last Networking Company I become involved with. Why you may ask, well, I have seen them all.

My very first company was in 1976. I have never in all my years of Network Marketing has seen a system or product as amazing as BIM represents. BIM truly is blazing a new trail in the Networking industry.

 To know more about alan Kippax.

Alan Kippax Social Profile where you can connect with him and learn the network marketing strategy.


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