Alan Kippax - An Icon in the Network Marketing Industry

Network marketing, also known as multi-level marketing (MLM), is a direct selling method that uses a network of people to sell a product. According to the IRS, network marketers earn money either by directly selling products themselves or by recruiting others to sell products for them. For many people,the network marketing systemisdifficult to understand. The real key is this: Network marketing is all about leverage. You can leverage your time and increase the number of work hours from which you can be paid by sponsoring other people and earning a small income from their efforts.

In 1994, Alan Kippax was the most successful network marketer (Distributor) coming out of the gate with FIM (Fortune in Motion), earning $156,000 cash in his first six weeks! He was considered a network marketing genius! Then he came to learn the product he was selling was way, way, way overpriced. In good conscience, he simply couldn’t do it anymore. He wanted to make lots of money working as a Distributor, but only if he could make it real. So, he decided to create a company that would offer Distributors a realistic opportunity and pay them massive upfront money byselling products with real value. One night while in Las Vegas, Alan and company went to a new looking hotel called “Treasure Island” for dinner. Outside of the hotel, there was a great big pirate ship with waterfalls and everything done Treasure Island style. Inside, everything was pirate-themed. It was like Disneyland with clam shell sinks in the bathroom and mermaid waitresses. 

Alan Kippax was daydreaming on the four-and-a-half-hour plane trip back, when all of a sudden; it hit him, Treasure Island! Six months prior, he had run into this guy Jerry, who was a wholesale supplier of precious gemstones, emeralds in particular, and sold them wholesale to all the Jewelry stores in London. His wife was Columbian and connected to the family that owned the Muzo mine, which produced the best emeralds in the world. All of a sudden, lan realized he was speaking to a guy who had direct access to the most expensive product in the entire world. Finally, and while on the plane, Alan Kippax plan came to him, “this is how I can make it real! Treasure Island would be the theme I would use, the FIM commission system and emeralds would be the product. As AT&T says; The System is the Solution.” 

The plan was to combine the Treasure Island theme and the system that allowed him to earn $156,000 in six weeks with the real product value offered by the emeralds! He got very excited and immediately went to work like crazy to get it all set up. After two weeks into it, he got a phone call from the other owners of Fairway “We haven’t seen you in the office for two weeks, and we know how you work, you work round the clock. What are you working on?” Alan Kippax replied, “Well, I’m just working on an idea.” They interrupted, “we want to see it.” Alan had not fully developed his idea, but they insisted on hearing about it over dinner. So, they invited Alan to a nice steak house and after dinner asked him, “what are you working on?” Alan shared the Treasure Island theme idea with them. There’s a pirate ship, and Distributors have to pass the Jolly Roger (the skull and crossbones flag) with a minimum of two keys (a key represents a sale) to open the Treasure Chest. Everybody pays the Captain, and the Distributor or customer gets emeralds as the treasure. They loved it. They looked at each other and then back at Alan and said, “We’re in.” Alan did not want to have partners, but they insisted. “As you know, we have a big office in Toronto with a large meeting room for over a hundred people, a secretary and an accountant. Everything’s in place, and I (the President of Fairway) will personally go there tomorrow, remove the “Fairway Business Incentive Resources Inc. Sign and put up a “Treasure Island” sign. I also have access to the leader of a group of 300 people who are disgruntled, and the whole group will come to our grand launch.” Oh and Al, congratulations, you’re the President, “added the other guy. They simply made an offer that Alan, a network marketing genius, couldn’t refuse. 

Two weeks later, Treasure Island had its grand launch; the room was packed full with 280 people, and it was crazy! Product cost was $600, and people were lining up, purchasing products fortwo or three people at a time; “here’s for me, my wife, and my friend. “The Sales Teams (Boards) were moving like crazy. The first day, the partners made $24,000 each. From then on, the company was easily making over$10,000 a week. Alan loved sharing the opportunity as a Distributor. As soon as he would finish his 9 to 5 commitment as the President, he would do meetings at Distributors’ houses in the evenings and weekends, promoting the business as a Distributor. Alan was actually moonlighting in his own business! 

He started making huge Distributor money, $10,000 a week or more, plus an average of $3,300 a week as President. Combined, he was making $13,300 a week. He was 28-years old; He had a nice apartment, a brand new Mustang Cobra, a few nice suits, a fancy watch, a prestigious corporate position and serious money. For somebody such as Alan Kippax, being a network marketing genius within the network marketing industry has provided really great rewards.

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